BriJ offers a series of "how to" videos explaining procedures to
help with option settings:
playlist of how-to videos
Option selection
Touch the Options button in the
Menu tab to reveal the Android form of Action

On a mobile phone the words may be missing, leaving just the icons.
On older devices, the action bar is replaced by the more traditional
The Options button turns green. You
can touch the button to hide the Action Bar if you don't need it
any more.
Touch the action bar icons to reveal further menus of options.
The best way to find out what these do is to explore and experiment!
If you get into difficulties, you can always use the
Reset to factory
menu option (see below). This will put
all optional settings and customisation back to how they were when
you installed BriJ! (Nothing else on your
Android will be affected, so no need to worry).
The options offered cover the
Select deal to illustrate convention (PRO version only)
Currently just a few examples
such as 'find a Puppet Stayman hand'.
When you request this feature, the card backs will turn
black to warn you that deals are no longer totally random.
Don't forget to turn the option off when you've finished!
Run game by Website download
Load deals from your local BridgeWebs
Bridge Club. This is one of several ways to load an existing
set of hands
Downloading bridge games from your club
Seeing results previously downloaded
Load deal from (pbn) file We've
talked about saving the current deal and loading deals from
your local BridgeWebs Bridge Club. This is one of several
ways to load an existing set of handsSave deal to
(pbn) file The easiest way to
save a deal is to long-press the table Delete current
(pbn) file The easiest way to
delete an unwanted saved deal is to long-press the table
Load next (pbn) file If you have
downloaded a BridgeWebs session, this moves on to the next
board number in sequence. An quicker way is to go to the
Aim tab. See
this video for details Manual deal
Use this menu to deal a pack of
cards by hand, perhaps to match a deal you find in a magazine
Amend deal Like the
manual deal, but starting from the
existing deal. You can rearrange cards to suit your needs
Settings - Screen layout options
Left-handed menus Option
to show the BriJ menu on the
left or right when in landscape mode Choose a
style Pick colouring and orientation
style Mobile mode Option
to make more space for the cards in your hand on a mobile,
especially when used in landscape mode Card size
Option to change the size of playing cards along the
bottom of the screen, for easier access File
name display Option to sort
file names into either alphabetic or date sequence when
loading a deal file
Settings - Hint options
Show cards Makes all
cards visible in both bidding and play. It's easier
though to use the show all
option on the BriJ menu
Show target tricks before starting play
Option to show BriJ's guess at the likely tricks
to be made (in the contract panel) at the start
of play Show robot contract before bidding
Option to show BriJ's guess at the contract and
likely tricks (on the table) before bidding starts
Suppress full hint explanation
Option to reduce information on the Hint tab to
show just point count and inferences Show
extended inference information
Option to enhance information on the Hint tab to
show extended information, including adjustments
to point counts and losing tricks based on the position
and number of passes. Also shows coded status information
that may be required for Support
Settings - Bidding and Playing options
Which hands to play?
Play multiple hands and
Play all the hands.
An advanced option
to allow you to play 2 or 3 hands at the same
time. Usually the
settings will be sufficient (see below)
Bid automation
A choice of 'Play
against robot' (the norm), 'Play all hands'
'Play all, view one at a time' (you only see
one hand at a time, but you play all 4 hands)
and 'Use the "Which hands to play?" settings
Play automation Just
the same as 'Bid automation, this time for the
'Play' phase
Settings - Define conventions (PRO version
card wizard Step 1
setting your
bridge conventions
Choose the
basic bidding system from Acol,
Benji Acol or SAYC.
Set competitive auction
aggression level.
Low level dows not inflate your hand strength.
Medium and high levels make adjustments
during bidding to increase your strength
when in a competitive situation.
Convention card wizard Step 2
Choose to include / exclude some specific
conventions from your card.
Specify whether opening 2 of a suit is weak
or strong for each suit Convention
card wizard Step 3
Specify high card point ranges for opening
bids including 1NT and 2NT.
Back off from any Step to finish settings